Meeting for Learning on "Quakerism 101" to be held on November 24
On Sunday, November 24th at 9:30 am, we will hold a hybrid Meeting for Learning titled "Quakerism 101." We'll present the idea that Quakerism is a broad spiritual umbrella, covering everything from traditional Christianity to non-theistic humanism. This session is not just for newcomers; even if you have been a Quaker for years, you may find it enlightening.
All Welcome to Potluck after Meeting for Worship on Sunday, November 24
Join us for potluck on Sunday, November 24, after meeting for worship, from 12:30 to 1:30. All are encouraged to come -- bring a dish or snack to share. Labeling the ingredients is helpful for those with food preferences.
Healing and Worship Group
A group of F/friends have been gathering in the Light on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to hold particular concerns or people; as well as to ground ourselves in the energy and love that we find in these opportunities. Please join us if you are led; we gather at 8:30 a.m. and end at 9:00 a.m on Zoom. You are also welcome to join late or leave early, if your schedule requires it. This is a wonderful way to start the day. To join, use this link.