The poem below, written in Spanish with an explanatory English translation, describes a “mystical experience” that I had some forty years ago. The event in question—a hiking trip in Big Bend National Park—was not as dramatic as the poem; but it did change my life. I became a spiritual seeker and eventually ended up with the Quakers, eventually here in Old Chatham Monthly Meeting.
Los Chisos I Subía in el guijarro del sendero I climbed over the trail gravel mientras el sudor corría por la nariz while sweat ran down my nose Y saltaba a la boca salada. and sprang into my salty mouth. Oía los zumbidos explosivos I heard sudden explosions of sound cuando los bichos volaban cerca del oído when insects hummed and flew near my ear Y sentía el ritmo de la cantimplora and I felt the rhythm of the canteen meciéndose a mi lado. swinging at my side. A veces me paraba para recobrar el aliento Sometimes I stopped to catch my breath pero seguía trepando a paso lento but I kept climbing slowly Y por fin llegué a la cima de los Chisos. and arrived at last on the Chisos summit. II Un viento me azotaba y me hipnotizaba A wind whipped and hypnotized me con su música celestial. with its celestial music. De mi risco alto las montañas se marchaban From my place on high the mountains marched away en fila parda in khaki files Y las nubes ensombrecían la tierra And clouds shadowed the earth con manchas de azul. with splotches of blue. Un halcón solitario giraba, A solitary hawk circled suspendida arriba, suspended above, Y me invadía la paz profunda, And a profound peace subdued me-- inesperada, tan deseada. a peace hoped for, a peace desired. III Hubo silencio y gozo. There was silence and joy. Hubo tranquilidad y luz. There was calm and light. El cuerpo se esfumó. My body vanished like smoke. El peso se levantó. Its weight lifted away. No hubo pecado. There was no sin. No hubo culpa. There was no blame. No hubo ansiedad. There was no fear. Sólo tranquilidad, Only tranquility, Y paz, And peace, Y luz, And light, Y silencio, And silence, Y gozo, And joy, Y nada, And nothing, Y todo, And everything, Y todo nada, And all nothing, Y yo todo, And all me, Y yo nada, And me nothing, Y yo todo nada, And me all nothing, Y todo uno, And all one, Todo el océano de luz. All the ocean of light. IV De repente el ave zambullió Suddenly the bird dove en busca de su presa. in search of its prey. Mientras se caía, una ráfaga del viento While it fell, a gust of wind me apuñaló violento. violently knifed through me. Me desperté y regresé. I woke up and returned. Acepté el peso del cuerpo. I accepted the weight of the body. Abracé el dolor del alma. I embraced the pain of the soul. Mareado, descansé un rato. Dizzy, I rested a little. Rendido, empecé el descenso, Exhausted, I began the descent, el retorno terrenal. the return to earth. Tarde llegué al pie de los Chisos I arrived late at the foot of the Chisos, Que tenían los picos iluminados peaks shining bright por los rayos del sol. in the rays of the sun. Y la tranquilidad del la naturaleza And nature’s tranquility Me llenaba y me pacificó. filled me and won my soul. —Richard Russell
1 Comment
Bob Elmendorf
3/4/2021 01:48:53 pm
Richard, thanks for sharing this deep and profound poem which describes so well your mystical experience. I could pick out a little of the Spanish matching it up with English next to it or Latin.
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