“Archangel Michael, lend me your sword and shield so that I may slay the duel barriers to spirituality: fear and control”
I have witnessed things. Things almost too sad to explain to the uninitiated; like the way the spiritually bereft cling to things and try to control their environment when they are disconnected from spirit. It is sad because the clinging is to that which is already dead. We cling to things for succor, but “things” can offer none. There is an unseen world, a parallel universe, that can be sensed into. It is a world of space and time divorced from what others would call “reality.” And yet, it exists. You could call it anti-reality because it is so far from the usual and customary experiences of most human beings that it would seem like someplace out of Alice In Wonderland. Some might call it La La Land. Others might call it being a Pollyanna. I call it NEXT. And those folks, who dismiss this other world when they say “get in touch with reality”, what they really mean is they put more stock in pessimism, scarcity and fear. I’d also add cynicism to that list because reality has such a grip on the reality-believers they can’t even imagine that something else is possible. It is important to elucidate this because those ways of being are just the default setting of human beings. Kind of like when you get the “blue screen” on a PC when it shuts down. To get to another state requires letting go of so called “reality” and being open to something so utterly foreign the only name that fits is anti-reality. This unreality or anti-reality is “living life from love” and “living a spirit guided life.” And that is an easy thing to say and not an easy thing to do. Like most things worth attaining it requires a level of practice and self discipline that most people don’t have the time for. Does that mean people living life from love don’t have a need for physical comforts like money, order, predictability and other stuff? No, it just means that we don’t put our faith in those things. We don’t live life from a dead materialistic perspective. And while some material comforts are necessary they will never provide us with the true security we desire because by their very nature they are temporal, changeable and transient. True security is being a part of something timeless, changeless, and omniscient. I always come back to this quote from Mathew 6:26 where Jesus admonishes his followers in the Sermon on the Mount not to be anxious “behold the fowl of the air; for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into their barns; yet they are provided for — Are ye no better than they?” But how do we get to that place? The short answer is listen. Send a query to spirit. What would you have me do next? Wait in silent expectation knowing that spirit is opening a way. But first it is practical to know where you are invested. A few queries to live from: — When you consider predictability, where do look from? A temporal or a spiritual place? — When you get scared, do you take your cues about decision making from the past or look forward to the guidance of spirit? — When you seek security, do you consult your checkbook or look to community and the network of relationships you’ve built? Joseph Olejak
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